Goh Lee Chin
Senior TCM Physician
- Singapore Registered TCM Physician
- Graduated from Singapore College of TCM
- Bachelor Degree, Nanjing TCM University
- Member of Singapore Chinese Physicians’ Association
Treatment in: Internal medicine; Acupuncture; Gynaecology; Menstrual disorders; Endometriosis; Peri-menopausal syndrome; Digestive diseases; Diabetes; Sequelae of stroke
Consultation Hours:
Science Arts Healthcare Centre (MacPherson): Daily except Monday & Friday

Low Eng Kiow
TCM Physician
- Singapore Registered TCM Physician
- Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (Masters)
- Graduated from Singapore College of TCM
- Level 3 Certificate in Diet and Nutrition for Complementary Therapists
Treatment in: TCM Internal Medicine, Acupuncture, Diet and Nutrition
Consultation Hours:
Science Arts Healthcare Centre (MacPherson): Monday, Friday
Science Arts TCM Clinic (Chinatown): Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday

Lee Chong Leng
TCM Physician
- Registered TCM Physician in Singapore
- Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine (Bachelor Degree)
Treatment in: TCM Internal Medicine, Acupuncture, Pain Management, Post-stroke Treatment
Consultation Hours:
Science Arts TCM Clinic (Chinatown): Monday, Thursday

Ng Hoong Keow
TCM Physician
- Registered TCM Physician in Singapore
- Graduated from Singapore College of TCM
Treatment in: TCM Internal Medicine, Acupuncture, Pain Management, Post-stroke Treatment, Bi-Syndrome (Arthralgia and related diseases)
Consultation Hours:
Science Arts TCM Clinic (Chinatown): Saturday

Chua Lui Ting
- Diploma in Holistic Massage (ITEC)
Treatment in: Wellness massage, Guasha, Pediatric Massage, Foot massage; Muscle stiffness/strain; headache, dizziness, heel pain etc.
Booking Hours:
Science Arts Healthcare Centre (MacPherson): Daily, except Monday